There are over 215,000 undocumented children living in the UK today.[1]
Being undocumented means living in the UK but not having the necessary paperwork. Some undocumented children are British but unable to prove it, many have an entitlement to be registered as British. As many as half of undocumented children were born in the UK,[2] and many have only ever known the UK as their home. Others are victims of trafficking or exploitation, or have fled from war.
“Gaining legal status meant I was able to work. I was able to apply to college. I was able to get a bank card. All this opened up for me because of that one thing.”
KIND UK client, aged 18
Children who are undocumented are vulnerable to poverty, social exclusion and exploitation. They face problems accessing higher education, health care, opening bank accounts, applying for driving licences, housing and work.
Becoming documented can mean everything to a child or young person. It ends the risk of being torn apart from their family and home, or being deported to a country they do not know. It means they can access work, higher education and all of life’s opportunities freely as they become adults.
For some it means the difference between life and death if their rights are not properly protected – many face removal to countries that are not safe, or where they risk exploitation and human rights abuses.
Undocumented children and young people face many barriers to gaining status in the UK. The immigration system is complex. It can seem daunting and hostile. Many face it alone, without proper legal representation, without their rights being protected, and not knowing where to turn for help. That’s where we come in.
Partner with us

Working on KIND UK cases is a rewarding experience and a unique pro bono opportunity for law firms.
All training on immigration cases is provided by our experts, and all our lawyers received top quality supervision throughout.
Need help?

We provide free legal advice and representation to undocumented children, young people and families in the UK.
We take on cases of children and young people anywhere in the UK aged 0 to 18, Applications for UK citizenship, Applications for leave to remain in the UK.